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Dark Templar Builds


These are both Touch of Death specs... If you don't like that, go with Midge's that also has protection. I use two ranks of LL, one rank of BfA (BfA IV) and 4 ranks of Soul. LL VI, Soul III, BfA, Soul V, BfA, LL V, Soul II, BfA, Soul IV, BfA, repeat...

Keep Dooming Pressence, Shadowed Soul and Hexes on CD unless saving it for things like adds or Zelandra burn (any 60sec or less abilities can be used at the beginning of Zelandra and will be ready again for the burn.) 

Dread Protection
Dread Physical

Vile Gluttony specs: 2 ranks LL, 2 ranks BfA (or throw in MB), and 2 ranks Soul.  Use two 2-step combos between every LL.. usually consisting of a Soul and a BfA (or MB) or two BfAs (or MB) so that you always have both taps running and Vile Gluttony virtually nonstop.  Keep Seal of Chaos on CD and whatever, use Hex Marked Soul when Magic damage is happening like Burning Sands, Rupture (oh, you won't have it then.. sucks to be you), etc.

Midge's "Efficient" Spec

Tali spec with prot, smash buttons.

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