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Guardian Builds


Shield Slam (pop Hateful Strikes & Call to Arms before finisher & Cry of Havoc), Stall the Advance, Guard Destroyer, Titanic Smash (pop Volcanic Rage and Powerhouse before finisher), Overreach, Overreach, Overreach. The general idea is to keep Guard Destroyer on CD and cycle as many Titanic Smashes and ORs as you can with that buff up.. you should really only use Titanic Smash when GD buff is running). I use OR V and IV so that I can get in 4 (or 3 + TS) during a GD. I imagine the 3-step is best for filler.


Unless saving it for a burn (Zelandra, maybe Yothian adds) keep Battle Cry on CD


As far as defensively, remember

  • Juggernaut for Magic like Char dot (Yothians), Burning Sands (Igneous), Rupture (Zelandra), wow, it's been so long since Ethram... Affliction, that's the one. Yes, I know Juggernaut does more than magic, but is especially useful at these times because you're taking both phys and magic damage. If survivability is not an issue, Juggernaut is good for your bursts.

  • Use Stall to lock agro > defense

  • Strike & Guard w/Cunning D is a great way to mitigate Anvil. The damage comes when the buff hits 5 seconds so CunDef just after 6 sec since sometimes it jumps from 6 to 4.

  • Try to space them out so that you always have something available (obviously not always possible)

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